Coaching Staff

(From left to right): Coach Maddie, Coach Leah, Coach Rachel, Coach Kelly

Coach Rachel

Rachel was on Livonia Pom for 3 years, 1 year as a co-captain. She attended Franklin High School, where she performed with Franklin Varsity Pompon for 4 years, leading the team as a captain her senior year. She also competed at the collegiate level with Atomic Pompon for 2 years. This is her third year coaching Livonia Pompon. She is now pursuing a Bachelor's in Biology at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. She loves animals (especially turtles), food, and traveling!

Coach Leah

Leah was on Livonia Pom for 2 years. She performed with both Churchill Varsity and Stevenson Varsity during high school. This is her third year coaching Livonia Pompon. She is currently studying Dental Hygiene at the University of Detroit Mercy. Her all-time favorite performance was "Speakers Blown" in 2012, and she has 8 siblings!

Coach Maddie

Maddie was on Livonia Pom for 3 years. She competed with Franklin Varsity for 4 years, and she continues to compete with Atomic Pom at the collegiate level. She is currently also coaching Franklin Varsity Pompon.

Coach Kelly

Kelly was on Livonia Pom for 4 years, was a co-captain for 1 year, and was one of the first seven 4-year members. She competed with Stevenson Varsity for 4 years, where she was a captain for 2 years. She is currently a sophomore at Michigan State University studying Elementary Education. She is in her 2nd year competing with Michigan State Pompon and serves as the team's Big/Little Sister Coordinator. This is her third year coaching Livonia Pom.

Executive Board

The executive board provides regular administrative support to the coaching staff & team.

Executive Board Members Brittany, Kari, Aiden, Andrea, and Jillian